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[News] Microsoft Seems to Prepare Another Anti-Linux Tsunami...

Here Comes Microsoft's Next Anti-Linux Crusade?

,----[ Quote ]
| Hours ago I discovered, through a Microsoft Most Valued Professional
| (MVP) who submits thousands of items to Digg (mostly pro-Microsoft,
| which makes you wonder), that the Yankee Group is conducting a new
| Linux versus Windows survey. Sounds benign, does it not?



2006: What it All Means for the Penguin

,----[ Quote ]
| 2006 was no exception, but there were some significant milestones
| in acknowledging that yes, Linux and FOSS do exist, and yes, they
| are quite suitable, and even superior, for the enterprise. Of
| course we've known that for years, but getting the word out
| against the tsunamis of propaganda, misinformation, and FUD
| hasn't been easy.


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