__/ [ Panther ] on Tuesday 30 January 2007 00:45 \__
> If someone need a manual of linux, maybe mine can help him.
> That's all.
> Ian Semmel wrote:
>> On Tue, 30 Jan 2007 00:43:17 +0100, Panther wrote:
>>> Hi all, I want inform you all that Manualinux 6.2 is out, it is
>>> available on website: http://www.manualinux.com
>>> Thanks.
>> Why would anyone bother ?
Thanks, Panther. Just ignore the trolls. Many of them are hired to usher the
release of Vista by harassing this newsgroup.
It's Vista day and the shills are on the loose jumping for dollars.
List of candidate Microsoft astroturfers (directly or indirectly paid by
Microsoft to post in this newsgroup):
Larry Qualig (former Microsoft employee)
Scott Nudds (AKA Vistaking)
Erik Funkenbusch (formerly an anti-OS/2 astroturfer)
flatfish+++ (Gary Stewart)
Damian O'Leary (AKA Hadron Quark)
Nedd Ludd
Tim Smith
Ana Thema
Take everything posted by the individuals above with grain of salt. Microsoft
has already been caught paying forum members to spread lies about rivals,
e.g. http://worldcadaccess.typepad.com/gizmos/2005/11/2_grassroots_an.html
Suggested filter list: http://colatrolls.blogspot.com/