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[News] Palm's New Linux Platform Gets New Logo

ACCESS Renames Palm OS, Debuts ACCESS Powered Logo

,----[ Quote ]
| ...the company has released its 'ACCESS Powered' logo,
| which will adorn devices running the Garnet OS and presumably
| the ACCESS Linux Platform, the successor to the Garnet OS.


Related (yesterday):

Cellphone giants unveil mobile Linux foundation

,----[ Quote ]
| Six of the world's largest telecommunications companies have
| officially launched a non-profit organization dedicated to
| creating a common mobile Linux software platform. Founded by
| Motorola, NEC, NTT DoCoMo, Panasonic Mobile Communications,
| Samsung Electronics, and Vodafone, the LiMo Foundation is
| inviting membership and participation from application
| and middleware developers.


List of candidate Microsoft astroturfers (directly or indirectly paid by
Microsoft to post in this newsgroup):

        Damian O'Leary (AKA Hadron Quark)
        Erik Funkenbusch
        Larry Qualig (former Microsoft employee)
        Scott Nudds (AKA Vistaking)
        Nedd Ludd
        Tim Smith
        Ana Thema

Take everything posted by the individuals above with a barrel of salt.

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