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On Mon, 22 Jan 2007 22:00:16 +0100,
OK <otto@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Jan 2007 20:04:23 +0000, William Poaster
><wp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>On Mon, 22 Jan 2007 19:51:18 +0000, B Gruff wrote:
>>> On Monday 22 January 2007 17:50 OK wrote:
>>>> On Mon, 22 Jan 2007 16:13:29 +0100, Peter Köhlmann
>>>> <peter.koehlmann@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>Ericew wrote:
>>>>>> OK wrote:
>>>>>>> http://uptime.netcraft.com/up/graph?site=www.marines.com
>>>>>>> Try to deface this one, Roy boy.
>>>>>> "The most attacked site"? Could you cite a reference?
>>>>>Oh, he certaily has some bogus statistics Except he will have problems
>>>>>explaining why a site of the US marines should be more attacked than for
>>>>>example any MS site. Or SCO site. Or any other high profile site. But
>>>>>no, it has to be the site of the marines. Absolutely
>>>> Or so says their security provider:
>>>> "Did you know?
>>>> HACKER SAFE technology protects marines.com, the most attacked website
>>>> in the world."
>>>> https://www.scanalert.com/site/en/merchants/moreinfo/
>>>> You may want to ask them why they say so on their site.
>>>> So, the fact remains: the most attacked website in the world runs
>>>> Windows Server and IIS. How comes that is is not crashing and rebooting
>>>> and defaced and "0wn3d" like you idiots would like to believe?
>>> Gee - aind thad's becaws id belaawngs tuh the U.S. MARINES, and
>>> furthahmoh', is chaaampioned bah no less thayan O-Rambo-K.... aim ahh
>>> raaght????
>>It's a kind of rip-off. I understand that the same thing can be done if
>>you download & deploy the Retina demo from eEye.com. ScanAlert wants a
>>$100 setup and $1,790 a year to run daily scans & security checks. All
>>you're doing is paying for the hackersafe logo. Perhaps there's some value
>>to having that if your buyers are complete computer novices (says
>>something about OK, doesn't it) , but anyone who isn't would pretty much
>>ignore that logo.
> Nice escape. No one gives a fuck about some logo. Still, the fact
> remains, IIS6/Windows 2003 is 100% secure until proven otherwise.
But Erik claim s that no computer is more or less secure, than another,
so how can this be?
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Jim Richardson http://www.eskimo.com/~warlock
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But it's the safest way to bet.