Oldtech <me@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in
> RonB wrote:
>> Oldtech <me@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in
>> news:469171e8$0$31289$4c368faf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:
>>> Dells' sales of Ubuntu Linux computers have exceeded all
>>> expectations, so that Dell has announced:
>>> - Two new models with GNU/Linux will be offered!
>>> - New offerings to more country's!
>>> - Tech Talk hiring more tech. engineers to improve the breed and
>>> provide
>>> info to users!
>>> http://www.desktoplinux.com/news/NS7159701171.html
>> That'll make Gates and Company happy!
> Nice response:
> Did you read the part about Linux is GROWING so fast on the Dell
> economy, that Dell is expanding models to 5, going into new territory,
> and offering Technical Engineering tweaks to Ubuntu?
Uh, Einstein, I was agreeing with you. That was an *ironic* "That'll make
Gates and Company happy." Got it?
> Immediate gut response:
> You can't seem to eff-ing comprehend what you read, and seem to be a
> troll like the other brainless twits who drive folks off these NGs.
> So, being that I am so eff-ing tired of you idiot trolls, I am doing
> everything in my power to make you dead, and gone, from these lists.
This rant about the "inability to comprehend" coming from a mouth-breather
who hasn't the wit to see when someone is agreeing with him? Good grief.
Get a life.
"There's a story there...somewhere"