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Re: [News] Microsoft's XBox360 Shills Exposed

In article <12468864.CsYORKffFR@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
 Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | They are being financed by MS to make 360 look good to gullible people.
> | 
> | [...]
> | 
> | NEOGAF :-
> | another Flaming and misleading gaming forum run by 2 previous MS employees.
> | This is the forum where you have people posting "360 is the last stand for 
> | RPG in JAPAN" , "x360 kills ps3 in JAPAN" and getting away with it. 
> `----
> http://forums.gametrailers.com/showthread.php?t=121309

More nonsense, Roy.  Do you ever actually check out your stories before 
posting them?

The vgcharts lists, which he claims are wrong, and the Media Create 
charts, which he seems to think are accurate, are almost identical.

--Tim Smith

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