waterskidoo wrote:
> People who see PCLinuxos on my system freak out when they see
> all the kde eye candy.
Show us some screenshots. Hopefully they'll offset the "death warmed over"
look of Linonut's system...
> It's amusing to get the inevitable "what video card are you using"
> question because they seem to think I am using a high end,
> expensive card. For the record I am using
> an Nvidia FX5500 $49.99 Circuit City special.
> I have all the eye candy turned on with kde and
> PCLinuxos and it is very fast.
> I wonder how this card would fare be driven by Vista?
Earlier you said you ran Vista, but wiped it for XP Pro. You wouldn't be
lying, would you?
My ATI 9600 card ($65 at www.newegg.com) produces a beautiful Vista Aero
desktop (partially seen here