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Re: [News] [Rival] More Reports Indicate Vista SP Delays (More Void Promises), Bug Lists Pending

____/ [H]omer on Friday 06 July 2007 15:45 : \____

> Verily I say unto thee, that Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
> Isn't that their Oh-Oh-XML ECMA submission?

No, OOXML they can fit on a poor donkey, yet not even a mule could carry the
load shown in this photo. You must be thinking about EU-Dump-ML.

Microsoft says 'archaeology' changes the way it develops products
Critics say company isn't documenting interaction methods fast enough

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft Corp. will deliver the final installment of hundreds of 
| pounds of documentation of its products to U.S. regulators next 
| month, a result of seemingly never-ending disputes over the 
| company's business practices.
| That load will exceed the roughly 30,000 printed pages, or 130 
| pounds of documentation, already prepared by Microsoft for 
| European regulators. 
| [...]
| Not buying it
| Microsoft's rivals argue the company is doing too little, too late.
| Vinje, of ECIS, said he doesn't believe Microsoft has faced the severe
| challenges the company alleges in documenting its protocols.


                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | "Nothing to see in this sig, please move along"
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