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Re: iPhone hackers disclose vulns and hunt for clues

____/ Peter Köhlmann on Tuesday 03 July 2007 18:25 : \____

> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/07/03/iphone_hacking_progress/
> So much for Hadron Quarks claim that apple provides well working, tested
> stuff to its users
> Another example of apple being as incompetent as MS

As I said when posting this yesterday, the iPhone is now everyonesPhone, not
just I-Phone. The little gadget is open for everyone to access, given the
perfect exploit. How will this be patched? Did many people watch the code
before the release? Could a trapdoor be deliberately included. This is of
course the conspiracy theorist's point of view, but remember which phone
provider iPhone made friends with. The friend of the friend is the NSA.

                ~~ Best of wishes

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