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Re: Beeb extends its corrupt practices

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> ____/ alt on Thursday 19 July 2007 20:12 : \____
>> On Thu, 19 Jul 2007 18:15:06 +0000, 7 wrote:
>>> The only piracy creators in this vast pool of downloads are the
>>> proprietory software vendors who can't be bothered to ship a $0.20
>>> USB dongle to protect their software.
>>> Most 'pirates' are those people that can't afford to pay
>>> the asking price of proprietory software. If it ever came to pass
>>> that a $600 piece of software is protected by a 128 bit encrypted $0.20
>>> usb dongle then its logical to assume that that $0.20 dongle will
>>> ship with the $600 piece of software. Of course it doesn't.
>>> Proprietory zealots know only too well, that that dongle will kill the
>>> product there and then. Its not the $0.20 that kills it but not
>>> being able to copy it commercially that kills the product.
>>> The corporations that fund the BSA$ need piracy to extend market share.
>> While I found your post to be a bit of a rant, this is one thing that I
>> whole-heartedly agree with. If software companies like Microsoft were
>> serious about protecting their products, there are EXISTING technologies
>> that don't require adding DRM to the motherboard or CPU or Hard drive.
>> The HASP is an oldie, but a goodie. I used to have software that used one
>> of these things.
>> One can purchase "privacy" keys that are used to unlock your files on
>> windows platforms (and I'm sure these can be extended to work with Linux)
>> by holding a key securely inside them.
>> I cannot see any reason that these keys cannot be used to hold a product
>> key. They can operate just like the current WGA and be matched to the CD
>> Key.
>> But it's true. Software companies aren't really serious about piracy
>> because they know that piracy is how their products get out there.
> As I said before, it's crocodile tears. They get sympathy and they get
> userbase at the same time. It's the same with offshoring and visas where
> education in the West can wrongly be blamed.
> 7 can write some very decent stuff when he wants to. It's a shame that he
> lets him message be drowned in a /deliberately/ messy writing style.

Years of abuse at the hands of Clippy has left me with a typing impediment.
Linux is slowly fixing matters.
Thats a warning to every windum.
If you use windopws like me, you will become like me and that can be
too much even for you.
So shave yourself before its too late.
Download Linux, install it and be done with it for good.

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