Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> ____/ Mark Kent on Monday 16 July 2007 15:29 : \____
>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>> Open Source Resolution Passed -- California
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>| This is Great News and more evidence that the Open Voting idea is catching
>>>| on.
>>> `----
>> Fantastic. This is as much about encouraging openness in government
>> generally, as anything else; it is also a huge poke in the eye for the
>> "security through obscurity" brigade, and rightly so, as any good
>> security expert will tell you.
>> The next step is to encourage governments to massively cut waste by
>> avoiding using proprietary software, thus avoiding paying licensing
>> costs, anti-virus costs, and so on, *plus* enabling the public at large
>> to interact with government in a positive and unencumbered way.
> Oh. And don't forget the environment. Linux is more efficient and prevents
> waste.
Good point. As you noted in another post, 125 million PCs abandoned
every year. Imagine if they were re-worked with Linux on them?
>> There is no excuse for putting Microsoft between the people and their
>> government, or agencies and corporations, like the BBC, for example.
> It's pretty bad in the UK. Since the convicted monopoly abuser is still the top
> brand here, it's clear that the UK will be the last nation to set itself
> straight, along with the US. Europe already changes. Italy grabs some
> headlines now and I'm guessing that Oslo is next. Bergen had migration plans.
It'll come through in the UK, but I think it will need to be driven by
the people - the government are far too deeply under the skirts of
Microsoft to even see the light of day now.
| Mark Kent -- mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk |
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