On Jul 15, 4:16 pm, 7 <website_has_em...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> > Enjoy.
> >http://antitrust.slated.org/www.iowaconsumercase.org/011607/3000
> PX03096.pdf
> > ?There?s an interesting article in the April 2007 issue of Harper?s
> > magazine about panels, audits, and experts. It is called CTRL-ALT-DECEIT
> > and is from evidence in Comes v. Microsoft, a class action suit in Iowa.
> > Here?s a paragraph from a document admitted into evidence, called
> > ?Generalized Evangelism Timeline,? about guerrilla or evangelical
> > marketing:
> > Working behind the scenes to orchestrate ?independent? praise of our
> > technology is a key evangelism function. ?Independent? analysts? reports
> > should be issued, praising your technology and damning the competitors (or
> > ignoring them). ?Independent consultants should write articles, give
> > conference presentations, moderate stacked panels on our behalf, and set
> > themselves up as experts in the new technology, available for just
> > $200/hour. ?Independent? academic sources should be cultivated and quoted
> > (and granted research money).
> > They advise cultivating ?experts? early and recommending that they not
> > publish anything pro-Microsoft, so that they can be viewed as
> > ?independent? later on, when they?re needed. This type of evangelical or
> > guerilla marketing is apparently quite common in the high-tech fields, and
> > seems to be used liberally by open source developers.
> > The document admitted into evidence also says, ?The key to stacking a
> > panel is being able to choose the moderator,? and explains how to find
> > ?pliable? moderators?those who will sell out.
> > It is all a big money game. Most activists in any field know of
> > countless ?hearings,? in which hundreds of citizens would testify before a
> > panel, only to be ignored in favor of two or three industry ?experts.?
> > When a panel is chosen, the outcome seems to be a foregone conclusion. As
> > with elections, they don?t leave anything to chance.?
> > (a post from a Mark E. Smith about exhibit PX03096 ?Evangelism is War?
> > from Comes v. Microsoft).
> This all sounds like rhetoric taken from a political organisation
> and applied to a commercial organisation with money poured into
> it to turn a corporation into a political movement and all controlled
> and distorted through money than with consensus..
> I see it now.
> Stormtroopers getting ready to storm heaven itself
> and remake heaven in their own image.
> For Mic0shaft Corporation,
> creating Hell on Earth with their dumb viri ridden
> operating system wasn't enough for them.
> They must now go out and conquer standards bodies and media and destroy
> all their percieved enemies systematically too through
> politically subversive use of their money.
> Leading the charge is the Fifth Column of Mic0shaft
> Corporation's league of Asstroturfers.
> Lifeless bum boys who speak on behalf of Micoshaft Corporation for money.
Meth will kill you, you know.