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Re: Linux Creator Calls GPLv3 Authors 'Hypocrites'

____/ peterwn on Saturday 14 July 2007 02:37 : \____

> On Jul 14, 1:09 pm, John Bailo <jaba...@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> http://linux.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/07/13/2123235&from=rss
>> "InformationWeek reports on comments by Mr. Torvalds that would seem to
>> decide the issue: 'Torvalds said the authors of a new software license
>> expected to be used by thousands of open source programmers are a bunch
>> of hypocrites ... "
> Actually I would like to see Linus' actual quotation including the
> context in which it was made.  Can anyone point to an authorative
> source?

I posted the actual thread after someone else linked to this stupid
sensationalist headline from InformationWeek. It was part of a batch, so I
can't find it again (not immediately anyway). Speaking of which,
InformationWeek has been posting a _lot_ of GPL hostile stuff in the past
couple of months. It's the same in their blogs.
> Again, even if he used those words it is his perogative.  He can
> decide on the licencing model of the Linux kernel as he pleases,
> subject only to the consensus of kernel distributers.  There are those
> who would support an alternative kernel such as Hurd, but as of date
> there is insufficient support and commitment.

Bear in mind that the headline took it out of context (IMHO).

> The day will come where Linus can no longer retain his supremacy (not
> any time soon as far as I can see - despite all the criticisms heaped
> upon him - what he has achieved in the last 15 years is nothing less
> than amazing, especially since the growth of a project like this
> rerquires different skill sets along the way - yet he has successfully
> bridged this.

Unlike de Raadt, Linus tried to keep his relationshop with Intel in tact
(defending them recently), but then again, they pay his wage (in part).
> Even if Linus chooses to stick with GPLv2, there will be still enough
> GPLv3 software out there in the near future for GPLv3 to achieve its
> overall objectives.

OpenSolaris could play a role here. For the time being, it isn't GPL-ed. Simon
Phipps recently asked Bob Sutor about GPLv3. I saw this in a blog discussion I
was part of in Bob's blog. The two open source VPs at Sun and IBM are still
waiting and watching, but I think that Phipps could pull the card that Linus
was afraid of. Linus said that he will at least consider dual licensing or
GPLv3 if OpenSolaris takes that first step.

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "Pentiums melt in your PC, not in your hand"
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