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[News] [Rival] Will the Next Windows be Just a Vista Service Pack?

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Will the Next Windows be Just a Vista Service Pack?
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2007 14:01:34 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Hotfix Your Way to "Fiji"? Maybe

,----[ Quote ]
| The word is out - Windows Vista SP1 (code-named "Fiji") will be out before 
| the end of the year - and will probably be available in beta form next week. 
| The trouble is, details of the exact features in "Fiji" are about as scarce 
| as the fate of Harry Potter...   


Also new: Windows Vista Nightmares



Is Windows Vista Service Pack 1 coming out soon?

,----[ Quote ]
| No. We expected it this October or November. Now, however, a note 
| published by the US Department of Justice says that "Microsoft 
| anticipates that beta code will be available by the end of the 
| year." That could push Service Pack 1 into next year.
`---                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Allchin's 'Buy a Mac' E-Mail Exposed

,----[ Quote ]
| "I must tell you everything in my soul tells me that we should do
| what I called plan (b) yesterday. We need a simple fast storage
| system. LH [Longhorn] is a pig and I don't see any solution to this
| problem. If we are to rise to the challenge of Linux and Apple, we
|                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| need to start taking the lessons of 'scenario, simple, fast' to
| heart. Jim"


As Microsoft looks ahead, will Vista be the end of an era?

,----[ Quote ]
| Once installed in the post, Mr Ozzie wrote an internal company
| memo that mapped out the challenges that face Microsoft. The
| message was clear: get Google, get with the internet and wean
| Microsoft off Windows as we know it.
| "Through Google's focus they?ve gained a tremendously strong
| position," he said. "[Microsoft] must respond quickly and decisively
| . . . It's clear that if we fail to do so, our business as we know
| it is at risk."


Why Vista might be the last of its kind

,----[ Quote ]
| Imagine this. One of the world's most powerful monopolies puts 10,000
| people to work for five years to create one new product. And nobody
| is really sure if anyone wants it. How's that for a gamble?
| That's what we have with Windows Vista, the new computer-operating
| system from Microsoft that debuted last week for businesses and,
| next month, for consumers.


Vista: Microsoft's Last 'Big Bang' Operating System?

,----[ Quote ]
| Yet for all the design missteps, overly ambitious plans, and
| personnel changes that led to a five-year lag between versions
| of Windows, questions about the future of Microsoft's software
| are top of mind for customers and partners. Ballmer swears to
| never let as much time elapse between Windows versions; the
| question now is how the company can keep churning out
| innovative products on a compressed timetable.


Is Vista the End of Windows as We Know It?

,----[ Quote ]
| The five-year long march to developing Windows Vista exposed just how
| broken Microsoft's Windows-development process is. It took far too
| long, major features were dropped along the way, and it was wrapped up
| in more red tape than the IRS. That's why I think that Vista will be the
| last of the "big-bang" Windows releases.


Life After Vista: Can Microsoft Retool for Web?

,----[ Quote ]
| In a similar tug of war in the late 1990s, one internal faction
| lobbied to use Microsoft's Internet browser software to radically
| retool Windows for the Internet. But that faction lost out to a
| more PC-centric view of the Windows mission -- an outcome that some
| Microsoft insiders say is one reason the company fell behind in the
| Internet services Google and others now lead.


Windows Vista the last of its kind

,----[ Quote ]
| Vista will be the last version of Windows that exists in its current,
| monolithic form, according to Gartner.
| Instead, the research firm predicts, Microsoft will be forced to
| migrate Windows to a modular architecture tied together through
| hardware-supported virtualisation. "The current, integrated architecture
| of Microsoft Windows is unsustainable - for enterprises and for
| Microsoft," wrote Gartner analysts Brian Gammage, Michael Silver and
| David Mitchell Smith.


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