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Re: Google Expresses Intent to Stomp on Microsoft, Falls Victim to America-style Suits

____/ dapunka on Friday 13 July 2007 13:39 : \____

> On 13 Jul, 12:22, Roy Schestowitz <newsgro...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> [ ..... ] I trust Wikipedia more than I
>> trust Google and I only use Google for things I cannot find in Wikipedia.
> How can you /trust/ Wikipedia? 

I don't. I do, however, trust it /more/ than I trust top results from search
engines. Even encyclopedias such as Britannica have their share of bias, just
like the news we see in the paper and TV.

> Ok, a lot of its entries are good... 
> but a fair number are drivel, written by people with hidden (or
> unhidden) agendas.  Questionable entries often change constantly, as
> people with differing opinions edit each others' work.  And the
> Discussion pages can be more argumentative and abusive than... well,
> than a very argumentative and abusive thing.
> Don't get me wrong - I like Wikipedia, and as a research tool it can
> be invaluable - /in conjunction to other sources of information/.  But
> it's not really comparable to a search engine.

True. It's better. For topics that are very popular it's hard to add abuse. In
fact, there's moderation in place to ensure they don't get 'corrupted'
(because they often do if there is no barrier).

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Linux: stop maintenance; get more actual work done
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