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[News] Poor Microsoft Movess Goalposts to Hide Financial Pains

  • Subject: [News] Poor Microsoft Movess Goalposts to Hide Financial Pains
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2007 13:31:41 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Microsoft expected to post flat fourth quarter profit

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft Corp., the world's biggest software company, is expected to post 
| profit that is little changed from a year ago when it reports fourth quarter 
| results next Thursday, as it takes a $1 billion charge due to flaws in its 
| Xbox video game console.   


They burn money (see below).

Microsoft, AQuantive Cleared in Germany

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft Corp. and aQuantive Inc. gained antitrust clearance from the German 
| Federal Cartel Office regarding Microsoft's purchase of the online 
| advertising company, according to a filing with the Securities and Exchange 
| Commission.   



Software Notebook: Microsoft's cash pile isn't what it used to be

,----[ Quote ]
| But Microsoft has taken a series of steps to reduce its cash
| balance. Specifically, by Microsoft's count, the company has
| paid out nearly $100 billion through dividends and repurchasing
| its own stock in the past five years.


Microsoft to partners: It's time to change

,----[ Quote ]
| Aiming to rally its partners around the reality of hosted software, Microsoft 
| Chief Operating Officer Kevin Turner told them it was a matter of financial 
| life and death.  


How Much is Too Much?

,----[ Summary ]
| Microsoft says it will stick with Xbox. But with years of heavy losses
| behind it, the pressure's on for the gaming division to make good


Microsoft stoic despite massive losses

,----[ Quote ]
| If you were to judge by the PR rhetoric, you'd think the 360 was
| an unstoppable commercial juggernaut. As usual though, PR lies.


Microsoft Hides Its Mobile and Business Apps Divisions

,----[ Quote ]
| The company is folding its two worst-performing divisions -- Microsoft
| Business Solutions (its business applications unit) and its Mobile and
| Embedded units -- into the Microsoft Business Division and Microsoft Home
| and Entertainment units, respectively.


A Dozen Stocks For '07

,----[ Quote ]
| Millen also thinks $36 billion in planned share buybacks
| will help the stock.


Microsoft counts on Vista to recharge stagnant stock

,----[ Quote ]
| There was a time in the 1990s when shares of Microsoft stock seemed to
| double every couple of years. 1996: college for the kids. 1998: a place
| on Whidbey. 1999: early retirement.
| Times have changed.


Commentary: Microsoft needs more than just buybacks to lift its shares

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft shares, which have been dormant for the last few years,
| have been looking up over the last couple months. The Dow industrials
| component has gained about 20% since hitting a 4-year low of $21.46 o
| June 13.
| To help move things along, Microsoft not only launched a $40 billion
| stock repurchase program that lasts through 2011, the company also said
| its previously announced 4-year, $30 billion stock buyback program was
| completed in just 2 years.


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