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[News] [Rival] Despite Microsoft Deal, China Appparently Does Not Trust Windows on Servers

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Despite Microsoft Deal, China Appparently Does Not Trust Windows on Servers
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 11:24:57 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Open source runs alongside Windows in Olympics

,----[ Quote ]
| "The main [use of] open source has been for application servers where 
| reliable open source platforms are widely used," Hore said, adding that some 
| open source support tools in areas such as portals and document management 
| have also been implemented.   


Watch the story below. It says it all, does it not?


Microsoft to take part in the Olympic Games in 2008 with Vista

,----[ Quote ]
| On Friday in Beijing, the organizational committee for the Olympic Games 
| 2008 and Microsoft China announced that the software vendor would be an
| official software supplier to the Games, which will be held the capital 
| city of China. 


McCain comes out against Net Neutrality; Says would hire Microsoft CEO Steve

,----[ Quote ]
| In another move that was sure to infuriate many geeks, the 70 year 
| old presidential hopeful also said that he would ask Microsoft CEO 
| Steve Ballmer to serve on his cabinet to deal with technology issues 
| if elected. He did not however say what position Ballmer might be 
| hired in, but did joke that he might consider him for a diplomatic 
| position, such as ambassador to China.


Treachery In The Trenches

,----[ Quote ]
| I believe that most people do not grasp the immense entity of Microsoft.
| This is an organization and a man who commands the attention and bidding
| of world leaders. On a recent trip to America, the President of China
| spent his first evening in the United States, not with our President,
| but Bill Gates. He was the guest of the Gates mansion that first
| evening and the guest of honor for a dinner attended by over one
| hundred people. Why? To ask him to crack down on Software piracy
| and to insure that his computer manufacturers put Microsoft Windows
| on thier newly made machines instead of shipping them with no OS. He
| didn't see the President of the United States for over 36 hours...he 
| spent that time with Bill Gates at his home and at the Redmond
| Campus.


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