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[News] Bill Gates Remark Reveals Inner Fear of Google's (Linux-based?) Phone

  • Subject: [News] Bill Gates Remark Reveals Inner Fear of Google's (Linux-based?) Phone
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2007 14:33:31 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Gates Goes Off On The Threat Of Google's Phone Software

,----[ Quote
| I'm surprised to see him throwing rocks at Google so soon after Microsoft 
| announced the $1+ billion hit its Entertainment and Devices Division is 
| taking to stay afloat in the console war. I think Gate's comments make it 
| pretty clear that people in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks...unless their 
| Xbox 360 has ignited and they need to make a hasty exit.    


The Gates obsession with tablets was never successful (see below). In fact, it
drove companies which build portable devices away to Linux.

Dell aims to cut HP tablet market share 

,----[ Quote
| The destruction of machine by man is singularly satisfying, perhaps 
| especially so in the middle of the Transformers opening. But then, if you're 
| crazy enough to be in love with Billy G's favourite form factor, what else 
| are you crazy enough to do?   



Unstrung: The GOOG is Hiring for Hardware G Phone Managers

,----[ Quote ]
| The gadget would be a BlackBerry-like device that would run Java
| -- and possibly Linux -- and support services such as voice over
|    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| IP. These new openings are said to be for the next stage of
| that work.


Europe exec confirms Google Phone

,----[ Quote ]
| Earlier this month, Simeon Simeonov of Polaris Venture Partners
| wrote in his blog that an inside source told him the Google Phone
| will be a BlackBerry-like device running C++ at the core with an
| operating system bootstrap and optimized Java and that it would
| offer voice over Internet Protocol.


The Real Google Phone?

,----[ Quote ]
| Venture capitalist Simeon Simeonov has made a post on his VC blog
| High Contrast that he claims to be an insider tip on the hotly
| anticipated, yet still speculative, Google Phone. 


Google Invests in Femtocell

,----[ Quote ]
| Search king is one of several B-round investors in Ubiquisys, a maker of 
| femtocell devices for mobile phones. 


DJ Google, Sprint Pact Could Heat Up Wireless War

,----[ Quote ]
| Wallsten, however, argued it is unclear their network will be truly open. "It 
| doesn't seem consistent with Google's claims for open access and net 
| neutrality," he said. "Clearly Google is going to benefit from this, and it 
| will be easier to use (Google) than Yahoo" or other rival services.   


AT&T slams Google over open-access wireless proposal

,----[ Quote ]
| AT&T has asked Capitol Hill not to enable an open nationwide wireless 
| spectrum, claiming that Google's lobbying of such a network is a bid by the 
| search giant to obtain broadband airwaves at bargain-basement prices.  


The UMPC dies. And no one notices.

,----[ Quote ]
| If Intel has its way, then what once was the mass market UMPC will
| morph into much smaller and less powerful "mobile Internet devices,"
| hort "MID".
| [...]
| There must have been a slight disconnect between Microsoft's
| marketing strategists and hardware and product designers.
| Neither the first nor the second generation of UMPCs came
| close to the expectations the initial marketing created.


UMPC News : New Linux distro for MIDs to be launched in May. Redflag
Mid Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| The new distro will have a 500MB footprint, will support
| power-saving features, boot time is shown as 18 seconds on
| one of the slides.


Has Intel Given up on the UMPC as a Mass Market Device?

,----[ Quote ]
| I remember being struck by the idea that the device didn't quite know if
| it was a business or consumer tool, and at more than $1000, I couldn't 
| see many people running out to buy one. Seems I was right (nice to be
| right once in a while). According to Gruener's article, Intel has
| decided to scrap the UMPC (or at least send it to the niche market
| pile) in favor a new mass-market device it's dubbing the Mobile
| Internet Device or MID (because we couldn't do this without
| another acronym).


Whatever Happened To The Origami?

,----[ Quote ]
| Ultimately Origami is a classic example of how a viral buzz can
| work against a product release. Expectations were too high and the
| final product was puzzling and didn't fulfill any specific consumer
| demand. By the time the systems were actually released the hype had
| died down and there was practically zero consumer awareness. I've
| actually considered the possibility that the viral Origami campaign
| was a warm-up for the Zune campaign that followed later in the summer.


Intel debuts Linux-based "Mobile Internet Device"

,----[ Quote ]
| The chip giant projects a global market of 180 million units annually
| by 2010 for "Mobile Internet Devices" (MIDs), which are conceptually
| similar to Nokia's N800 tablet.


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