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[News] In-vehicle Computer Runs Debian GNU//Linux

  • Subject: [News] In-vehicle Computer Runs Debian GNU//Linux
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2007 02:32:58 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
In-vehicle Linux system assists first responders

,----[ Quote ]
| U.K.-based Thorcom Systems Ltd is shipping a rugged, Debian Linux-based, 
| in-vehicle computer intended for emergency first responders. T


Microsoft's PR has a "more Windows than car" solgan. How about "Linux in every


If Novell and Microsoft Were in the Car Production and Sales Business...

,----[ Quote ]
|    Look at it this way for a moment:
|         * "If I, as an end-user, bought a car from Ford, that does
|           indeed contain technology infringing some patent owned by 
|           DaimlerChrysler--would there by any likelihood that Ford would
|           sue me, the end-user?
|         * "However, if I, as an end-user, buy a SUSE Linux Enterprise Serv-
|           er, that *may* contain (well, it doesn't, and never will, as 
|           Novell strongly reassures me) software patented technology owned
|           by Microsoft--would there be any likelihood that Microsoft would 
|           sue me, the end-user? 


Hybrid is also good for Open Source!  

,----[ Quote ]
| The Prius hybrid car is great news for our planet: As much as it can,
| it runs on electricity and is thereby a signatory of the Kyoto treaty.
| But never does it stop - if there is no electricity, it will run on
| regular fuel. That's a great car for serving both the planet and
| it inhabitants at the same time.


OSMB: OScar, the Open Source car

,----[ Quote ]
| The first to be presented was the Open Source car called OScar.
| For eight years, a community that has grown to far over 1,000
| people has been working on the development of a car based on
| Open Source, though the project's founder Markus stressed that
| the goal is development, not production. The automotive industry
| has, however, already showed interest in the concept.


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