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[News] Hackers Bring Linux to Palm Handhelds

  • Subject: [News] Hackers Bring Linux to Palm Handhelds
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2007 13:25:23 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
krainian hackers don't wait for Palm's Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| I have to admit that I was a bit skeptical about Palm OS PDAs and devices 
| running Linux, but it seems it's not only possible, but that these talented 
| coders have been doing so for quite a while. While the early attempts started 
| a few years ago, with a determined geek porting the micro 
| embedded-Linux "uCLinux" to the early Sony Clie PDAs, these efforts had a 
| short life. But now, with the availability of more powerful devices like the 
| Palm TX sporting high-res screens, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, the idea of running 
| Linux on them is much more attractive.       



A Close Up View of Access Linux Platform at 3GSM ( with Video)

,----[ Quote ]
| Several shots show a smartphone emulator running the Access Linux
| Platform (ALP). Here you can see ALP's Today Screen, Applications
| Launcher (see top image), Garnet VM controls and a number other
| status and preference screens. Next up is an actual developer
| phone shown running ALP in a screen shot and a minute-and-a-half
| video. 


Palm Foleo with Linux threatens the Laptop

,----[ Quote ]
| The Palm Foleo is joining a list of MID (Mobile Internet Devices) like the 
| Nokia N800 and Asus Eee that use a lightweight version of Linux but the main 
| advantage of the Foleo is its instant on feature.  While traditional “Linux” 
| may be too difficult for the average user to handle, these highly integrated 
| implementations of Linux have no problem being adopted by the masses.  That 
| could pose a problem for Microsoft in the long run if these devices ever get 
| widespread adoption.       


Palm Foleo First Thoughts

,----[ Quote ]
| If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video should be worth a 
| whole volume. That's why Brian Beeler and I recorded a brief video 
| overview of the Foleo, which will hopefully give you a better idea of 
| what it will be like to use the first mobile companion yourself.


Pair of Palm ISVs promise Foleo ports

,----[ Quote ]
| Two ISVs (independent software vendors) have announced plans to port 
| their commercial applications to Palm's forthcoming Linux- and 
| ARM-based miniature laptop. 


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