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[News] Wind River Delivers New Linux Software

  • Subject: [News] Wind River Delivers New Linux Software
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2007 13:23:10 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Wind River Enhances Lab Diagnostics 2.1 And Delivers Innovative Automated Test

,----[ Quote ]
| Building embedded devices with Linux often means working with a vast code 
| base, which can introduce a level of uncertainty into the development 
| process. With the updated version of Lab Diagnostics, Linux developers will 
| be able to resolve some of the risk and uncertainty.   



NASA tests Linux for spacecraft control

,----[ Quote ]
| On the software side, embedded Linux vendor Wind River says it was selected 
| to "support the development of NASA's New Millennium Program Space Technology 
| 8 (ST8) Dependable Multiprocessor." As part of its role in supporting the 
| project, the company will supply its Platform for Network Equipment, Linux 
| Edition (PNE-LE) for use on the DM system.     


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