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[News] Linux Has Astounding Commercial Computer Games

  • Subject: [News] Linux Has Astounding Commercial Computer Games
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2007 03:43:51 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Commercial Games In Linux...

,----[ Quote ]
| So I’ve decided to compile a list of non-free games for Linux. These are just 
| a few that I have personally came across, and in no particular order, are 
| just here to prove that there is a small, but growing market for Linux games.  



Top Ubuntu Games

,----[ Quote ]
| Here are the best games I have found that you can play on Ubuntu.


linuX-gamers.net live 0.9.1 released

,----[ Quote ]
| The next release candidate of the linuX-gamers.net live-DVD is available, 
| the changes are: 
| [...]
|     * Nvidia driver can be easily installed when the video card was
|       not detected correctly
|     * Speedup of reading data from DVD


Mandriva teams up with TransGaming to release gaming-enhanced MandrivaLinux

,----[ Quote ]
| TransGaming Inc., a leading developer of software portability products
| for the electronic entertainment industry, announced today that
| MandrivaLinux 2007 will include direct integration of their Cedega
| portability engine along with Empire Interactive's popular game FlatOut.
| This OEM agreement brings the thrill of electronic entertainment to
| Mandriva's growing Linux user-base.
| The combination of Cedega and FlatOut is seamlessly integrated within
| the MandrivaLinux 2007 installer, giving Linux users access to top tier
| titles as part of the operating system, while also allowing them to play
| hundreds more games, right out of the box. In addition to FlatOut, users
| will be able to play blockbuster titles with Cedega such as Battlefield
| 2, World of WarCraft, Civilization IV, Need for Speed: Most Wanted,
| Madden 2006 and more.


Linux gaming, part two: strategy games

,----[ Quote ]
| Along the years, many commercial games have found their way to Linux too, 
| even in limited numbers. Open source strategy games presented here 
| still present only the tip of the iceberg, as there are many other
|  strategy game projects out there for Linux. Happypenguin.org, a 
| fine source for Linux gaming news, alone lists 151 games in the 
| strategy category.


Free Open Source Gaming

,----[ Quote ]
| The only problem is that in the vast jungle we have come to call 
| 'the Internet', you'll come across dozens of abandoned, semi-free 
| or just plain crappy games before you can find one that actually 
| makes it worth the while. Being the kind person that I am, I 
| decided that I would share my experience in the field, and give 
| you a list of games worth checking out.


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