On Jul 23, 1:35 pm, Hadron <hadronqu...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> BearItAll <s...@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> >> The porn story did not originate with bloggers. It originated with the
> >> News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), which says that one of their reports saw
> >> the porn on several children's laptops.
> > Well come on, boys will be boys, of cause they'll have a look, bet you have,
> > I have, bet we could point at anyone in this news group, hypnotise them and
> > get a 'Yes I've viewed some porn' out of them.
> > Have you never heard the kids giggle unexpectedly and gone over to look only
> > to find after a flurry of activity while you walked over so that they seem
> > to be giggling at an empty desktop by the time you get there, the quick
> > flick of the mouse to the 'X' is the modern day hypersensitive right ear,
> > the one that heard your mum in her slippers on the bottom stair while you
> > were playing with your john thomas when you were 15.
> > We've all had a look and so long as it's just kids having a giggle because
> > they saw their first {fill in a bodily part} then there's no real harm
> > done.
> Correct. So you agree that Roy and Mark Kent are twisting and lying yet
> again?- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
I agree with BearItAll inasmuch that, /if/ some OLPC users have been
checking out pr0n it's hardly a hold-the-front-page sort of story. Go
to any school in the world that contains online computers and teenaged
boys - if they can find a way to bypass netnanny and look at some
beaver pix, at beaver pix they will look. This is hardly a fact that
harms OLPC - it's about time that kids otherwise deprived of internet
access can now waste time looking at cheezy pr0n just like kids in the
so-called "developed" world.
But this doesn't mean I agree that "Roy and Mark are twisting and
lying yet again". Maybe some kids used OLPC machines to view
pornography, maybe they didn't. If I /cared/ I might look more deeply
into the matter and, who knows, maybe I'd find evidence of FUD.
Wouldn't be the first time such tactics have been used when certain
vested interests feel threatened. But I /don't/ care about the
veracity of the story. What I care about is the fact that OLPC seems
to be working, trying to get laptops to kids is "remote" areas -
laptops that will actually /work/ in those "remote" areas, laptops
that won't be rendered useless by a lack of electricity.
I /do/ agree with Roy and Mark about one thing: it's sad, and worse
than sad, that anyone can feel that their interests are threatened by
the OLPC project.