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Re: waterskidoo - You have been ORDERED

"Sgt. Slaughter" <rmiller@xxxxxxxxx> writes:

> "Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message 
> news:1381946.ZMRO3vy1q9@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> ____/ waterskidoo on Sunday 22 July 2007 13:53 : \____
>>> On 2007-07-20, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> That's it. I'm filtering all posts from Outlook Express.
>>>> FWIW, Microsoft changed the way it reports earning, so it's comparing 
>>>> apples
>>>> (last year) with oranges (this year). Nice play, but it only fools the
>>>> investors, who are not stupid (they are just not as clever as most 
>>>> people
>>>> because they think MSFT is worth investing in).
>>>> *plonk*
>>> Bad idea IMHO.
>>> Pretty soon you with all the filtering goig on their won't
>>> be anyone to talk to!!
>>> Seriously, my advice is to debate the reasonable posts
>>> and simply ignore the flame bait.
>>> As for investing in MSFT, the market is going wild
>>> at the moment and people are making tons of money.
>>> Last I heard, the average amount made by investing
>>> at the start of the year to present hovers
>>> around 17 percent.This is for the market in general.
>>> That's a lot of profit, and it's the average.
>>> It will crash and as usual the greedy middle
>>> class person will burn but the rich will
>>> still be rich when the smoke clears.
>> There's the commission to take into account as well and bear in mind that 
>> there
>> is cheating. A Microsoft exec (VP?) got caught stealing money from 
>> investor
>> last week (inside trading).
>> The stock market is like a casino. Only the few who end up making a buck 
>> will
>> actually speak out and brag.

Good old idiot Roy. Talking about things he doesn't understand again. I
wonder why stock markets are so important to our economies.

Oh yes. Because Roy says they are like Casinos.

What an absolute f@cking idiot. Does his cluelessness know no bounds?

>> About trolls: do not reply to them.

Yes. Only "Big Roy" can do that. He has the brain the size of a planet
you know. Not.

> Here you go. You have been ORDERED not to reply to people that Schestowitz 
> does not approve of. He's not suggesting that you don't reply, or asking 
> that you not reply. He has simply ordered you "Do not reply to them."

Yes. Roy is in charge.

> Roy Schestowitz and Roy alone will decide who you can reply to, when,
> under 

No. Mark Kent is usually huffing and puffing like the pompous windbag he
is about who can post what. He even, and I know this is hard to believe,
reports people to their ISP if they post what *he* considers to be
"anti-charter" material.

> what circumstances and what you may and may not say to people. Of course 
> it's because Linux is about freedom. And Roy will decide yours and everyone 
> elses freedom for you.


> Got it?
>> The only ones that get filtered or ignored
>> are those who come here to fight /against/ Linux. When you feed them, you
>> encourage their participation and implicitly endorse their behaviour.

No. You also filter everyone using outlook express you loud mouthed
phony. People who, in other words, are looking for Linux advocates to
convince them that Linux can work for them. But no. The great "Roy" and
his sidekick, boy Kent, actually filter entire news servers, google
groups and anywhere else from where people might argue against their
weak, and incompetent ramblings. If I didn't witness it for myself then
I would not have believed it.

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