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Re: [News] [Linux] Akamai Uses Linux to Deliver 15-20% of the Internet's Traffic

__/ [ Philip ] on Sunday 10 June 2007 03:37 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Akamai gives free peek at Internet
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | Akamai, which says it delivers 15 to 20 percent of Internet traffic on
>> | any given day, hopes its new Web site helps not only the techies it
>> | counts as clients, but also the general public.
>> `----
>> http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070606/ap_on_hi_te/techbit_akamai_dashboard
> We all know what kind of content that is, akamai servers figure
> predominantly in my adblock list. Still, it is better than the other
> content: 95% of email traffic being spam.

I think it's beyond that, depending on how it gets counted. One, for example,
could consider spamming attempts that get rejected before despatch. Over
here, port 25 is blocked for everything but the single mail server. Reason?
Campus zombies. The matter of fact is that the level of spam can (and
already has) take(n) down the server/s. What's more, a higher amount of
spendings (hardware) is requires. A lot of the world's energy is spent
handling and processing binary garbage. This happens to include crawling of
scam Web sites.

                ~~ Enjoying summertime

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "Free the mind, the source will follow"
http://Schestowitz.com  |  Open Prospects   ¦     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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