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[News] [Linux] Reviews: Fedora 7, Mint Linux 3.0, PCLinuxOS 2007

Review: Fedora 7

,----[ Quote ]
| Fedora 7 was released last week, a little bit behind schedule, with 
| a spate of new features, updates, and live CD installable "spins" 
| of Fedora in KDE and GNOME flavors.


Linux Mint 3.0 Cassandra - A Review

,----[ Quote ]
| If you are intimidated by the notion of installing Linux or setting 
| up a dual boot and are looking for a LiveCD version to use, I can 
| recommend nothing but Linux Mint 3.0. With so many great 
| applications and utilities installed by default, migrating to 
| Linux has never been easier.


PCLinuxOS - Feature rich and easy to use - by Michael R.M. David

,----[ Quote ]
| I heartily recommend that all Linux users and would be users
| try out PCLinuxOS. You might be hooked as I did.


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