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Re: [News] [Linux] Commercial Music Application Ported to GNU/Linux

__/ [ thad05@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ] on Sunday 03 June 2007 16:45 \__

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> energyXT2: Low-Cost Plug-in, Sequencer, DAW, for Windows and Now Linux
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | The $75 app energyXT2 starts out sounding similar to other music apps --
>> | but after a long list of twists, seems anything but. It's a DAW. It's
>> | a sequencer. It's an audio multitracker. (Okay, not so interesting so
>> | far ...) It's a synth. It's a sampler. It's a drum machine. It's a
>> | looper. It runs as a host. It runs in a plug-in. Now it runs on Linux --
>> | making it perhaps the first significant music creation app to do a
>> | commercial, out-of-box release for the penguin. It's got a modular
>> | engine underneath.
>> `----
> Thanks for pointing this one out.  I'm checking out software for
> my sister's dance studio, and this app looks like something
> she could use.  I'll probably give it a look.

There's another major (and commercial) video editor which I think is coming
to Linux. Even one is enough. Anything else is choice. Glad you found this

                ~~ Enjoying summertime

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