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[News] [Linux] The Semantic Linux Desktop is Becoming a Reality

  • Subject: [News] [Linux] The Semantic Linux Desktop is Becoming a Reality
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 11:15:45 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
More about Nepomuk-KDE: Soprano and KDE integration

,----[ Quote ]
| As the central meta data storage Soprano will be accessible to all 
| applications through the KDE application framework
| The storage itself will be filled in different ways. First, there is 
| KMetaData: It provides easy to use functions for system developers to 
| create and read meta data in storage. Think of applications where meta 
| data are an essential part of the program: Digikam and Amarok are 
| typical examples.


Project homepage:


A lot of recent work revolves around theme. This proves that innovation usually
comes from free, open and creative minds, not MBAs.


Semantic Desktop and KDE 4 - State and Plans of Nepomuk-KDE

,----[ Quote ]
| Nepomuk-KDE is the basis for the semantic technologies we will see in 
| KDE 4. Sebastian Trüg, the main developer behind Nepomuk-KDE, provided 
| me with some up2date information about the current state and future 
| plans. 



,----[ Quote ]
| Beagle++ is an extensions to the Beagle search tool for the personal
| information space. Beagle++ now makes that search semantic, features
| you never experienced before. As a prototype it reflects our
| current research activities towards the Semantic Desktop.


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