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Re: Linux in Electronic Voting Enables Manipulation, Finds Study

Dr. Pain wrote:
> "dapunka" <dapunka@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> news:1181600107.910183.214760@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >
> > Dr. Pain wrote:
> >> "Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> >> news:1348225.NeMinRvS3f@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >> > Expert opinion confirms manipulatability of voting computers
> >> >
> >> > ,----[ Quote ]
> >> > | The Chaos Computer Club has submitted to the German Federal
> >> > | Constitutional Court a 54-page expert opinion detailing
> >> > | serious flaws in the voting computers manufactured by the
> >> > | Dutch company Nedap, the German weekly newsmagazine Der
> >> > | Spiegel reports in its upcoming edition.
> >> > `----
> >> >
> >> > http://www.heise.de/english/newsticker/news/90954/from/rss09
> >> >
> >>
> >>
> >> This article makes equal mention of Linux in voting machines as it does
> >> of
> >> Windows in voting machines.
> >
> > What a dick you are.  The link you chose to reference doesn't mention
> > Windows or Linux. But the one from www.verifiedvotingfoundation.org
> > specifically mentions Windows failure, not Linux failure.  The
> > biz.yahoo.com link  discusses a change in Brazil away from Windows and
> > towards Linux. and the zdnet blog is a discussion about whether an
> > open source voting platform would be better than a closed one.
> > Still, wouldn't want the full facts to get in the way of a MSFT troll
> > would ya?
> >
> Listen up you little bitch. I didn't chose the link. It's the link that your
> fellow liar piece of shit troll Schestowitz posted. It's not my link... it's
> his. Do you get it now? Good.

You chose the link. Roy posted several. You chose to reference the
only one that doesn't mention operating systems.
> The link mentions a couple of hardware vulnerabilities. It makes no mention
> of software. Get that through your shit for brains head.
> - "But the one from www.verifiedvotingfoundation.org  specifically mentions
> Windows failure, not Linux failure."
> Bull. Obviously you're a clueless moron. This link of yours doesn't mention
> Windows or lienux.
Awww, can't you read? Well, go find an adult and get them to read all
the words to you. You can look  at the pictures while you listen.
> Perhaps you or your troll boyfriend Roy Schestowitz would like to try again.
Roy's a troll. I'm a troll. But you're not.  You're just a fucking
retard liar.

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