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Re: [News] [Rival] XBox 360 So Fundamentally Flawed That Repair Company Rejects It

"Mark Kent" <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message 
> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> Repair company refuses to service Xbox 360s
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| A European company specializing in hardware repair and troubleshooting
>>| has halted its Xbox 360 repair service due to the difficulty in 
>>| what they label as a "fundamental motherboard fault".
>>| [....]
>>| "We were getting a phenomenal amount of these things coming through," a
>>| company representative stated in an interview with Next-Gen.biz. "We
>>| were seeing about 30 a week coming in with the same problem which we
>>| identified as a fundamental motherboard fault."
>> `----
>> http://www.gamepro.com/news.cfm?article_id=119128
>> Perhaps Microsoft can carry on deleting forum thread and hope that nobody 
>> will
>> know the truth. Disgraceful.
> Why would anyone be stupid enough to buy a product from a company with
> such a well-documented history of lying, stealing, customer abuse,
> failures, monopoly abuse, lying, lying, and, err, lying.
> Why?

Correct. That's why sales of the PS3 are terrble. And it's about to get 
worse -


- "Japanese video game makers want to make the Nintendo Wii their major 
priority, which meand more bad news for the underperforming Sony PS3. Game 
makers such as Capcom, Namco Bandai and Sega all plan to increase the number 
of games for the Wii, Capcom will increase their number by 5%, Sega by 96% 
and Namco Bandai is set to increase their games for the Wii by 109 per cent.
The PS3 is set to see a reduction in games by at least 40 per cent, this is 
a huge blow for the PlayStation 3. The reason for this is due to the 
Nintendo Wii selling by the bucket load."


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