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Re: [News] History Lesson: A long Time Ago, Red Hat Talked Patents BS with Microsoft

____/ Roy Schestowitz on Thursday 28 June 2007 10:45 : \____

> Red Hat CEO says he talked patents with Microsoft
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | An update to that license, version 3, is about to be implemented. It will
> | forbid companies from distributing Linux software if they enter into patent
> | agreements like the ones that Microsoft signed with Novell.
> `----
<snip />

Oops. I forgot the actual link:


Rebuttal here (it's just FUD from a sockpuppet that clings onto very old news):


Don't let the 'media' scare you. Microsoft fiddles with the strings again to
create some uncertainty and scare a day after Red Hat's huge revenue surge and
on the day GPLv3 is released.

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