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Re: [News] [Linux] Chicago Sun-Times Introduces Readers to GNU/Linux

____/ John Bailo on Saturday 23 June 2007 18:13 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Take Linux for a test drive -- it's free, after all
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | I really want you folks to try the free (free free free) Linux OS at
>> | some point in your life.
>> | 
>> | It has become a very credible operating system, even for typical PC
>> | users . . . though the whole concept is still alien and intimidating.
>> `----
> This article is really disappointing.
> The author goes out of his way to throw in (invalid) monkey wrenches.
> The critical thing is he says that he wants people to "try Linux" -- but
> offers absolutely no instruction as to how they can get a Linux PC ( as in
> call 1 800 Dell) or other information for truly getting a user going.
> After reading it twice I don't think the person is malicious -- but just a
> really bad popular technology writer.

I got this impression too, but any publicity is good publicity. This is not a
paper which only geeks use to communicate with other geeks, as in preaching to
the choir. It's far better than having Linux mentioned in a purely negative
context. The volume of anti-Linux FUD in the media has reached new peaks in
the past month (ever since "Microsoft takes on the free world" from Forbes).
This means that the time for Linux has come as luttites resort to attacks.
There's a lot more FUD to come, but it's cause for flattery and reason to be
out there and rebut.

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "Spam enchanted evening..."
http://Schestowitz.com  |  Open Prospects   |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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