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Re: [News] [Rival] Pro-Windows Trolling Entails a Punishment

____/ Mark Kent on Saturday 23 June 2007 10:56 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> ____/ Jeanette on Thursday 21 June 2007 08:04 : \____
>>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>> ZDNET hackette backs down under Apple fan boy threats
>>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>> | ZD NET'S Volish correspondent, Mary Jo Foley, has broken under pressure
>>>> | of abuse from Apple fan boys who were miffed that she dared to suggest
>>>> | that Leopard looked the same as Vista.
>>>> `----
>>>> http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=40441
>>>> The Myth of Fanboys
>>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>> | In fact, the fanatical devotion to products is found in the user base of
>>>> | the MOST popular product, and furthermore, it is not a ?religious? issue
>>>> | of zealotry but a very practical way to act for very logical reasons!
>>>> | 
>>>> | [...]
>>>> | 
>>>> | So, please, the next time you see a computer-related tech argument fall
>>>> | to calling each other fanboys, remind them how much that term has been
>>>> | corrupted.
>>>> `----
>>>> http://www.askreamaor.com/misc/the-myth-of-fanboys/
>>>> So, someone suggests in that Microsoft's Vista is being 'copied'. That
>>>> someone even mentions Dvorak and relies on Microsoft's existence for
>>>> money. People rebut and they then get labelled 'fanboys'. I guess 'shills'
>>>> doesn't beat this, but the matter of fact is that many people lie for
>>>> their wallet's sake.
>>>> Related:
>>>> Windows Bimbo Says OS X Leopard Looks Like Vista.
>>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>> | What you get from Mary Jo is a sample of the sorry state of
>>>> | journalism, commentary, and analysis from mainstream media,
>>>> | of which ZDNet plays a big part-- a big part in perpetuating
>>>> | myths, fulfilling stereotypes, and giving women in tech a
>>>> | bad name.
>>>> `----
>>> Jeanette wrote:
>>> Blah blah what the heck does this have to do with her being female?
>>> And people have been saying vista looks like OS X.  I don't see it but hey?
>> It has nothing to do with gender and I suspect they removed that bad post.
>> Like
>> [H]omer said, Mary is an excellent reporter, but this type she pulled a
>> Dvorak. FWIW, when I posted the above to COLA I changed the wording
>> to "reporter", but this time I forgot. I hate the word "Bimbo" with passion.
> When I was at school, all the girls suddenly decided that they didn't
> like being called "chicks" (not that I ever did, particularly, it was
> a general point).  The reason was that it was somehow demeaning (never
> quite understood why, but there we go).  Now, I see "Chick-flicks" being
> advertised in magazines for girlies, so presumably, it's no longer
> demeaning, although it obviously was then.  "Babe" was in the same
> category at the time, although it was revitalised some time earlier than
> "chick".  Of course, then, girls all said that they didn't enjoy sex,
> that only boys/men did, and that none of them masterbated, either.
> Oh yeah, and I was told that I shouldn't see women as "sex objects",
> but nobody could ever tell me what a "sex object" was, but they did
> enjoy telling me I was bad for thinking it (what???).
> No, I can't keep up with it, didn't understand it then, and still do
> not.
> Can't really see a particular issue with the word "bimbo", although it
> clearly is intended to refer to a not-so-bright-but-pretty girl.  Just
> watch Big Brother, you'll see them in droves, if you can stand the
> boredom, but personally, I hate it.

I later realised (after I had posted this) that the page may no longer be
available. Just to clarify for Jeanette, the woman who called Mary a "bimbo"
goes by the name "Bambi", so it was a case of a woman cursing another, not
some sexist guy or a misogynist.

BTW, two of my important sites were migrated to a stronger server last night,
but there were some glitches during the migration. This was predictable. I
might have to spend time on this during the weekend (at COLA's expense, among
other things). It's a case of bad luck. One week after grafting a broken
hard-drive's contents with a quarter of a million files and all sort of
dependencies and scripts I go through the same nuisance on the server. At
least they all run better at the end...

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz     | Open minds, open source
http://Schestowitz.com  |     GNU/Linux     |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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