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Re: [News] [Rival] Pro-Windows Trolling Entails a Punishment

____/ Jeanette on Thursday 21 June 2007 08:04 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> ZDNET hackette backs down under Apple fan boy threats
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | ZD NET'S Volish correspondent, Mary Jo Foley, has broken under pressure
>> | of abuse from Apple fan boys who were miffed that she dared to suggest
>> | that Leopard looked the same as Vista.
>> `----
>> http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=40441
>> The Myth of Fanboys
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | In fact, the fanatical devotion to products is found in the user base of
>> | the MOST popular product, and furthermore, it is not a “religious” issue
>> | of zealotry but a very practical way to act for very logical reasons!
>> | 
>> | [...]
>> | 
>> | So, please, the next time you see a computer-related tech argument fall
>> | to calling each other fanboys, remind them how much that term has been
>> | corrupted.
>> `----
>> http://www.askreamaor.com/misc/the-myth-of-fanboys/
>> So, someone suggests in that Microsoft's Vista is being 'copied'. That
>> someone even mentions Dvorak and relies on Microsoft's existence for money.
>> People rebut and they then get labelled 'fanboys'. I guess 'shills' doesn't
>> beat this, but the matter of fact is that many people lie for their wallet's
>> sake.
>> Related:
>> Windows Bimbo Says OS X Leopard Looks Like Vista.
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | What you get from Mary Jo is a sample of the sorry state of
>> | journalism, commentary, and analysis from mainstream media,
>> | of which ZDNet plays a big part-- a big part in perpetuating
>> | myths, fulfilling stereotypes, and giving women in tech a
>> | bad name.
>> `----
> Jeanette wrote:
> Blah blah what the heck does this have to do with her being female?
> And people have been saying vista looks like OS X.  I don't see it but hey?

It has nothing to do with gender and I suspect they removed that bad post. Like
[H]omer said, Mary is an excellent reporter, but this type she pulled a
Dvorak. FWIW, when I posted the above to COLA I changed the wording
to "reporter", but this time I forgot. I hate the word "Bimbo" with passion.

                ~~ Best of wishes

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