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[News] Takeover Dilemma for Microsoft as Developers Favour Cross-Platform Apps

Is Take Two a takeover target?

,----[ Quote ]
| One company that says it's not in the running is Microsoft. Because
| today's independent publishers are platform agnostic - that is to say,
| they build games for all major systems - taking over one would result
| in a massive revenue loss for Microsoft, as all development would be
| redirected toward the Xbox 360.
| "We could never launch an acquisition bid at a third party publisher,"s
| aid Shane Kim, corporate vice president of Microsoft Game Studios.



Developing Exclusively for Windows? Think Again.

,----[ Quote ]
| If you only want to get a basic understanding of how to build
| software and Windows is already available to you, then don't
| hesitate to try one of the beginner tools that are available
| for that OS, but if you're really serious about your endeavors,
| then you might want to consider expanding your development
| efforts to OS X and Linux once you've successfully taken your
| first few steps in the wild world of software development.


Photosynth for Linux?

,----[ Quote ]
| This is the demonstration video of Photo Tourism which was later
| transformed into Microsoft Photosynth (Wikipedia). Now, you'll find
| it difficult to disagree with me when I say this is a great product.
| It just has that "cool factor".
| However, the Photosynth website says at the system requirements: Only
| Windows XP SP2 and Windows Vista RC1 or later are supported at this
| time. However, the video I showed above clearly shows it running on
| Linux (take a look at the titlebar of the web browser or the "add
| annotation dialog"). This could mean two things:
|    1. Microsoft deliberately decided not to support Linux
|    2. Microsoft may still want to make this available for Linux


Redmond's reader app for newspapers? No thanks

,----[ Quote ]
| The reaction among bloggers seemed to be "that's nice, but who
| cares?" Requiring special software just to read the paper seemed
| like a bit too much effort for most, no matter how well the
| software worked.


Vista and British Library put da Vinci online

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft and the British Library have digitised two of Leonardo da
| Vincis' notebooks.
| [...]
| The British Library has created an updated version of its application
| called "Turning the Pages" which allows people to browse parts of
| its 150 million piece collection via a web browser. We heard how
| this works better using Vista.


Save the BBC from Windows DRM!

,----[ Quote ]
| Clearly, shutting out 25% of your audience sits ill with the BBC's
| remit of serving all of its users...
| There is no denying that this is an extremely difficult area for
| the BBC, since it must negotiate not one but three minefields -
| those of technology standards, copyright and contract law. But
| there are still things that it could do without turning into a
| global advertisement for Microsoft's flawed DRM approach.


Carrying Water for Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| Careless Web developers work tirelessly to maintain Redmond's dominance.
| [...]
| Fidelity's contractor didn't set out to build a website that would shut
| out Macintosh and Linux users. But by being lax with its choice of
| Web authoring technologies, that's exactly what it did.


ECIS Accuses Microsoft of Plotting HTML Hijack

,----[ Quote ]
| An industry coalition that has represented competitors of Microsoft
| in European markets before the European Commission stepped up its
| public relations offensive this morning, this time accusing
| Microsoft of scheming to upset HTML's place in the fabric of
| the Internet with XAML, an XML-based layout lexicon forn
| etwork applications.


Software rivals say Microsoft's Vista illegal in Europe (at CNNMoney.com)

,----[ Excerpt ]
| Software manufacturers, citing 2004 European Commission finding,
| contend the operating system violates server laws in Europe.
| [...]
| "Vista is the first step of Microsoft's strategy to extend its market 
| dominance to the Internet," the ECIS statement said.
| It said Microsoft's XAML markup language was "positioned to replace HTML," 
| the industry standard for publishing documents on the Internet.
| Microsoft's own language would be dependent on Windows, and discriminatory 
| against rival systems such as Linux, the group says.
| They said a so-called "open XML" platform file format, known as OOXML, is 
| designed to run seamlessly only on the Microsoft Office platform.


Microsoft's Allegedly Undocumented APIs - Comes v. Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| One of the allegations is that in this expert's opinion, Andrew
| Schulman, "Microsoft Office uses (and copies) undocumented DirectUI APIs"
| and "Microsoft Office and other Microsoft applications use undocumented
| Windows Line Services APIs".


Expert Testimony of Ronald Alepin in Comes v. Microsoft - Embrace, Extend,

,----[ Quote ]
| You'll hear some emails read aloud, one of Bill Gates's, an email from
| 1996 about Java, where he says he was losing sleep over how great
| Java was, and you'll see a strategy he suggested -- "fully
| supporting Java and extending it in a Windows/Microsoft way".
| [...]
| Well, when applets are cross-platform, it expands the number of 
| applications that are available to you so you can go to a website.
| And if you have a Linux computer or a Macintosh computer or a Windows 3.1 
| computer, you can get an application and it will run.
| You don't have to either select a specific application or hope that the 
| independent software vendor or the website created the application for your 
| platform. So it would increase the number of applications available to you. 


Comes v. Microsoft Resumes Today

,----[ Quote ]
| "Ronald Alepin, an independent consultant and former CTO for Fujitsu,
| disputed the idea that Microsoft had been an innovator in the field.
| He said that interoperability protocols were developed by companies
| other than Microsoft, and that Microsoft has simply extended the
| protocols and then refused to disclose the extensions. In so doing, 
| he told the court, Microsoft "has hijacked standard
| interoperability protocols agreed by the entire industry."


Wal-Mart's Speeding Bullet

,----[ Quote ]
| Slow delivery times have proved that the digital video delivery
| revolution isn't exactly "faster than a speeding bullet."
| [...]
| The Wal-Mart offering isn't for everyone. In a nod to Microsoft
| loyalists, the downloads will only work on Windows XP systems and require 
| the latest version of Windows Media Player to watch.


Microsoft Challenges Adobe With Publisher Partnerships

,----[ Quote ]
| A fourth newspaper, The New York Times, introduced a proprietary
| reader based on Microsoft's technology last November.


Vista to give HD Photo format more exposure

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft is looking to supplant the ubiquitous JPEG with an image format 
| of its own--and it's hoping the debut of Windows Vista will help do the 
| job.


Windows Vista Product Guide: Free to Download, $149 to Read

,----[ Quote ]
| 'Windows Vista Product Guide' was released in two formats:
| Microsoft Office Word 2007
|     The standard .doc format isn't good enough, you need to be able to
|     read a .docx file, so all those users of Office XP are just plain
|     out of luck on 
|     this one.
|     What the heck is XPS? I hadn't heard of it before now, (a quick
|     Google tells me XPS is Microsoft's proprietary rival to PDF)
|     but apparently you need a special reader for it (which is
|     kindly enough built into Vista, but nothing else). 


Adobe could still sue Microsoft: paper

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft's new Vista software, due to be released early next
| year, contains a version of fixed document formats which would
| compete with Adobe's PDF format. Microsoft has pledged to make
| changes to its version.


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