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[News] ICANN Defends DNS Servers, But Not by Eliminating Windows Zombies

New shield foiled Internet backbone attack

,----[ Quote ]
| ICANN has yet to determine the exact techniques used in the
| February attack. The incident will be discussed at a meeting
| of DNS root server operators later this month, the organization said.


It has turned into a serious matter of national security and the US
government is willing to even bomb (!!!) the sources of zombies attacks if
needed (see below).


Zombie botnets attack global DNS servers

,----[ Quote ]
| Hackers launched a sustained attack last night against key root servers
| which form the backbone of the internet.
| Security firm Sophos said that botnets of zombie PCs bombarded the
| internet's domain name system (DNS) servers with traffic.
| "These zombie computers could have brought the web to its knees,"
| said Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant at Sophos.


Botnet 'pandemic' threatens to strangle the net

,----[ Quote ]
| Cerf estimated that between 100 million and 150 million of the
|                             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| 600 million PCs on the internet are under the control of hackers,
|                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| the BBC reports.


EveryDNS, OpenDNS Under Botnet DDoS Attack

,----[ Quote ]
| The last time the Web mob (spammers and phishers using botnets)
| decided to go after a security service, Blue Security was forced
| to fold and collateral damage extended to several businesses,
| including Six Apart.


Homeland Security sees cyberthreats on the rise

,----[ Quote ]
| To test the nation's response to a cyberattack, the Department
| of Homeland Security plans to hold another major exercise,
| called Cyberstorm II, in March 2008, Garcia said. A first
| such exercise happened early last year.


Perspective:  Microsoft security--no more second chances?

,----[ Excerpt ]
| CNET News.com's Charles Cooper says the software maker is running out
| of excuses for a history of poor security.

,----[ Quote ]
| As if Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff didn't have enough on
| his plate.
| Not only has he had to deal with Katrina and Osama. Now he's also got to
| whip Steve Ballmer and the crew at Microsoft into shape. If past is
| prologue, that last task may be the most daunting of all.


U.S. cyber counterattack: Bomb 'em one way or the other

,----[ Quote ]
| If the United States found itself under a major cyberattack aimed
| at undermining the natio's critical information infrastructure,
| the Department of Defense is prepared, based on the authority of
| the president, to launch a cyber counterattack or an actual 
| bombing of an attack source.


US plans for cyber attack revealed


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