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COLA Stats: Saturday the 10th of March, 2007.

  • Subject: COLA Stats: Saturday the 10th of March, 2007.
  • From: "[H]omer" <spam@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2007 08:31:32 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Slated.org
  • User-agent: COLA Stats Engine
  • Xref: ellandroad.demon.co.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:503242
The [H]omer award for COLA Advocate of the Week:

mike <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

| in addition to the outsourcing of jobs, let's not forget the 
| considerable number of people (outside of microsoft) who left the 
| computer field because they found it too much of an insult to their 
| intelligence to be spending all their time supporting that which is 
| always and by far the weakest link in any computer infrastructure -- 
| microsoft.  i've watched over two decades the inverse relationship 
| between prestigious jobs in the computer field vs. the growth of 
| microsoft such that computer science now ranks near the bottom of the 
| academic desires of college students.  and who can blame them, 
| working in computers has become synonymous with supporting microsoft 
| and one can find a more rewarding and respectable career as janitor 
| at the local sewage & wastewater treatment plant.

ngstats.pl version 1.22

Written by Roy Culley.
Contributions from Mark Kent.
Modifications by [H]omer, 2007.

This report covers 2831 articles received by this system to
newsgroup comp.os.linux.advocacy [1]
Toplist of Posters

 Pos  Poster                                          Msgs   Bytes Quoted
   1. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>     583 1052128    22%
   2. Mark Kent <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx>                409 1673883    19%
   3. yttrx <yttrx@xxxxxxxxx>                          175  247410    82%
   4. Linonut <linonut@xxxxxxxx>                       159  110243    59%
   5. DooFuS - Moronic Fascist                         153  153238    65%
   6. B Gruff <bbgruff@xxxxxxxxxxx>                    108  106915    52%
   7. The Ghost In The Machine <ewill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   93  159850    55%
   8. flyer <flyer@xxxxxxxxx>                           75   98327    81%
   9. Doug Mentohl <doug_mentohl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>         73   73918     3%
  10. [H]omer <spam@xxxxxxx>                            69  106383    32%
  11. John Bailo <jabailo@xxxxxxxxxx>                   65   33805    53%
  12. Maverick <Sun@xxxxxxxxx>                          53   44601    83%
  13. chrisv <chrisv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                    39   19347    55%
  14. 7 <website_has_email@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>        37   58430    30%
  15. Kelsey Bjarnason <kbjarnason@xxxxxxxxxxx>         34   38255    37%
  16. AB <fardblossom@xxxxxxxxx>                        33   31638    58%
  17. OK - MS Apologist and Liar                        32   31257    59%
  18. Peter KÃhlmann <Peter.Koehlmann@xxxxxxxxxxx>      29   27294    63%
      BearItAll <spam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                    29   52333    30%
  20. spike1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx                              27   23864    64%
  21. Tim 'Funkenbusch Wannabee' Smith                  26   21827    41%
      William Poaster <wp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>           26   20670    70%
      Dr. GroundAxe - Pathetic MS Apologist             26   19894    77%
  24. Kier <vallon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                       21   17710    61%
      Mark K. Bilbo <gmail@xxxxxxxxxxx>                 21   28988    82%
  26. ray <ray@xxxxxxxxxx>                              20   15654    74%
  27. Jamie Hart <usenet@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                  17   18319    55%
      flatfish - Mental-Ward Escapee                    17   17355    68%
      John Locke <johnlocke98513@xxxxxxxxxxx>           17    9136    59%
      Gordon <gbplinux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>               17   13045    67%
Toplist of Subjects

 Pos  Subject                                                Msgs   Bytes
   1. [OT] Please kill this thread - sorry                    120   95612
   2. Show me a screenshot from Linux....                      61   65895
   3. Switching to Linux, Not OS X or Windows                  54   86926
   4. Anyone know specifiically where I can get info and       51   71163
      [News] Use Microsoft OneCare, Lose Your E-mails          51   46261
   6. The laughter never ends in Linux/OSS bizarro world       45   39235
   7. colatrolls.blogspot.com                                  44   38960
   8. XFD1048576 vs IV65536                                    37   49354
   9. What's wrong with Open Office                            36   27003
  10. Why My Shop No Longer Sells Linux Systems.               35   48278
  11. This Group Is Unreadable Via Google..                    30   22227
  12. Question for the group                                   29   40187
      A questions about this grouse against Vista              29   56468
      Click N Run For All                                      29   32048
  15. Vista already FAR AHEAD of Linux after only a few        28   20366
  16. Ubuntu: dual boot with XP?                               27   24637
      Still waiting for Linux screenshots...                   27   14479
  18. [OT] Ban smoking [was Re: LINUX -- A free clock ra       25   26681
      [News] The Myth: Microsoft Brings Job to American        25   57576
  20. Dear Larry Quailegg                                      24   47815
  21. Windows upgrade: cheaper and technically superior        23   23763
  22. Linux fonts again                                        22   17546
  23. XP phones home....                                       21   22986
      Translation needed                                       21   29316
  25. I'm so happy, very happy and freeeeeee!                  20   38480
      [News] Microsoft's Software Identifies Own web Sit       20   21292
  27. On the "Theft" of Microsoft fonts                        19   48970
  28. COLA Stats: Saturday the 24th of February, 2007.         18   24203
      [OT]                                                     18    9032
      20 no OS PCs for $4181 + $500 S/H (Lie - [News] Li       18   36240
Toplist of Most Replied To Posters

 Pos  Poster                                                         Msgs
   1. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                    276
   2. Mark Kent <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx>                               141
   3. DooFuS - Moronic Fascist                                        123
   4. Linonut <linonut@xxxxxxxx>                                      109
   5. yttrx <yttrx@xxxxxxxxx>                                          93
   6. B Gruff <bbgruff@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                    74
   7. Doug Mentohl <doug_mentohl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                        54
   8. John Bailo <jabailo@xxxxxxxxxx>                                  53
   9. [H]omer <spam@xxxxxxx>                                           51
  10. Dr. GroundAxe - Pathetic MS Apologist                            50
  11. OK - MS Apologist and Liar                                       40
  12. flyer <flyer@xxxxxxxxx>                                          38
      The Ghost In The Machine <ewill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>         38
  14. Kelsey Bjarnason <kbjarnason@xxxxxxxxxxx>                        28
  15. Maverick <Sun@xxxxxxxxx>                                         26
  16. Peter KÃhlmann <Peter.Koehlmann@xxxxxxxxxxx>                     24
  17. AB <fardblossom@xxxxxxxxx>                                       22
  18. Gordon <gbplinux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                              21
  19. chrisv <chrisv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                                   19
  20. William Poaster <wp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                          18
  21. BearItAll <spam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                                   17
  22. Kier <vallon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                                      15
  23. Geico Caveman <spammers-go-here@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                    14
      ray <ray@xxxxxxxxxx>                                             14
      Jamie Hart <usenet@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                                 14
  26. Tim 'Funkenbusch Wannabee' Smith                                 13
      Mark K. Bilbo <gmail@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                13
  28. Mark <nipperspotREMOVE@gmail-dot-com>                            12
  29. Peter Kai Jensen <usenet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                  11
      flatfish - Mental-Ward Escapee                                   11
Toplist of Troll Feeders [2]

 Pos  Poster                                                     Msgs   %
   1. Linonut <linonut@xxxxxxxx>                                   68  43
   2. yttrx <yttrx@xxxxxxxxx>                                      47  27
   3. The Ghost In The Machine <ewill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>     15  16
   4. B Gruff <bbgruff@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                14  13
   5. Peter KÃhlmann <Peter.Koehlmann@xxxxxxxxxxx>                  9  31
   6. Rick <none@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                                     8  62
      ray <ray@xxxxxxxxxx>                                          8  40
      Kier <vallon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                                   8  38
      Maverick <Sun@xxxxxxxxx>                                      8  15
  10. Gordon <gbplinux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                           6  35
  11. 7 <website_has_email@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                    5  14
      ed <ed@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                           5  63
      Dr. GroundAxe - Pathetic MS Apologist                         5  19
  14. DooFuS - Moronic Fascist                                      4   3
      Rob Hughes <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                                4  80
  16. John Bailo <jabailo@xxxxxxxxxx>                               3   5
      Tim 'Funkenbusch Wannabee' Smith                              3  12
      Jeremy Fisher <freya@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                            3  43
      MarkA <manthony@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                                 3  50
      flyer <flyer@xxxxxxxxx>                                       3   4
      Doug Mentohl <doug_mentohl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                     3   4
  22. Ian Hilliard <nospam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                        2  29
      Geico Caveman <spammers-go-here@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                 2  25
      Jamie Hart <usenet@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                              2  12
      Alexander Terekhov - Facist Troll                             2  50
      Paul Bramscher <Bramscher_nospam@xxxxxxxxxxx>                 2  13
      Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                  2   0
      Gregory Shearman <ZekeGregory@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                   2  33
      Mark K. Bilbo <gmail@xxxxxxxxxxx>                             2  10
  30. Mark Kent <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx>                             1   0
Toplist of 'Quality' Posters [3]

 Pos  Poster                                                        Index
   1. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                    146
   2. Mark Kent <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx>                               137
   3. Doug Mentohl <doug_mentohl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                        76
   4. [H]omer <spam@xxxxxxx>                                           71
   5. BearItAll <spam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                                   68
   6. Kelsey Bjarnason <kbjarnason@xxxxxxxxxxx>                        66
   7. The Ghost In The Machine <ewill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>         63
      AB <fardblossom@xxxxxxxxx>                                       63
      Mark <nipperspotREMOVE@gmail-dot-com>                            63
      chrisv <chrisv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                                   63
  11. Peter Kai Jensen <usenet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                  62
      John Locke <johnlocke98513@xxxxxxxxxxx>                          62
      Jerry McBride <mcbrides9@xxxxxxxxxxx>                            62
  14. 7 <website_has_email@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                       61
      spike1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx                                             61
  16. B Gruff <bbgruff@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                    60
      flyer <flyer@xxxxxxxxx>                                          60
      yttrx <yttrx@xxxxxxxxx>                                          60
  19. William Poaster <wp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                          59
  20. Gordon <gbplinux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                              54
  21. Maverick <Sun@xxxxxxxxx>                                         53
  22. Geico Caveman <spammers-go-here@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                    51
      Jim Richardson <warlock@xxxxxxxxxx>                              51
      Mateus Denigris <Mathew@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                          51
  25. Linonut <linonut@xxxxxxxx>                                       50
      Johan Lindquist <spam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                            50
      alt <spamtrap@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                                      50
      Linuxiac <at yahoo.com >                                         50
  29. Jamie Hart <usenet@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                                 47
      Robert Newson <ReapNewsB@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                    47
Toplist of X-No-Archive Posters

 Pos  Poster                                                         Msgs
   1. flatfish - Mental-Ward Escapee                                   17
Toplist of Newsreaders

 Pos  Newsreader                                                     Msgs
   1. KNode                                                           880
   2. slrn                                                            754
   3. tin                                                             206
      Mozilla                                                         206
   5. Microsoft Outlook Express                                       189
   6. Pan                                                             142
   7. Thunderbird                                                     113
   8. Forte Agent                                                     104
   9. Forte Free Agent                                                 72
  10. pan 0.120 (Plate of Shrimp)                                      31
  11. MicroPlanet-Gravity/2.70.2067                                    28
  12. Xnews                                                            23
  13. MT-NewsWatcher/3.5.1 (Intel Mac OS X)                            16
  14. Microsoft Windows Mail 6.0.6000.16386                            15
  15. Claws Mail 2.8.0 (GTK+ 2.10.6; i486-pc-linux-gnu)                 8
  16. Microsoft Windows Live Mail desktop 8.0.1226                      5
  17. Gnus                                                              4
      pan 0.116 (Blanton's)                                             4
  19. MT-NewsWatcher/3.5.2 (PPC Mac OS X)                               3
      MicroPlanet-Gravity/2.70.2061                                     3
      40tude_Dialog                                                     3
  22. trn                                                               2
      MT-NewsWatcher/3.5.2 (Intel Mac OS X)                             2
  24. pan 0.124 (Goblin Worlds)                                         1
      COLA Stats Engine                                                 1
      ProNews/2                                                         1
      Hogwasher/4.3                                                     1
      Thoth/1.7.2 (Carbon/OS X)                                         1
[1]: Posts via mail to news gateways are dropped by this server
     and hence not included in the stats.
     Other attention seeking posters may not appear as well.
[2]: Troll feeder %'age is (troll feeding posts / total posts) * 100
[3]: The poster 'quality' stats is based on:
       a) quoting: 100 - %'age quoted
       b) cross-posting: 100 - %'age cross-posted
       c) number of direct followups posters articles get
       d) troll feeding: 100 - 2.0 * %'age troll followups
       e) 75 deducted for known trolls
       f) for the humour impaired the quotes around 'quality'
          are intended to convey they are not to be taken too
          seriously :-)

http://slated.org - Slated, Rated & Blogged

| "Future archaeologists will be able to identify a 'Vista Upgrade 
| Layer' when they go through our landfill sites" - Sian Berry, the 
| Green Party.

Fedora Core release 5 (Bordeaux) on sky, running kernel 2.6.19-1.2288.fc5
 08:30:07 up 18 days, 19:55,  3 users,  load average: 0.36, 0.70, 0.66

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