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Re: OpenOffice

__/ [ ray ] on Friday 09 March 2007 17:44 \__

> On Fri, 09 Mar 2007 10:15:11 -0500, mlw wrote:
>> I have to laugh at the guy complaining about Draw Macros in OpenOffice.
>> Yea, sure, I'll give it to him, it isn't the easiest feature to use, and
>> they have changed some of the menu/dialog options, so it can be daunting
>> to n00bees
>> That being said, if that's the only criticism that the guy can muster, so
>> be it.
>> I have used OpenOffice.Org since it was "Star Office," and prefer it to MS
>> office. I have no problem producing documents that can be read by MS
>> Office, and I haven't seen a single "real" (as in from a client or friend)
>> document it couldn't read. I have seen documents crafted to show
>> OpenOffice.Org weaknesses, but I have never gotten a document, let me
>> rephrase that, I vaguely recall having a problems with an OOOLLLD version
>> of Star Office, but since OpenOffice.Org, I have not had one problem
>> reading or sending documents to users of MS Office.
>> Compatibility aside, OpenOffice.Org is a great package. Word Processor,
>> Spreadsheet, drawing, presentation, etc? With all the modern features
>> you'd expect. Export as PDF?
>> OpenOffice.Org is all you need.
> I've seen a number of ms-word docs that did not format properly in oo; but
> not since ooV2. I used to use abiword because it seemed to do a better job
> on complex formatting, but no more.

I haven't come across any formatting inconsistencies either. To accentuate
the differences, specially crafted documents will be used to show that OO is
'broken'. I have seen these 'model example' in DX9 vs. DX10 demonstartions,
which desparately try to get people hooked on Vista and game developers to
upset Wine.

                ~~ Best wishes 

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "Free the mind, the source will follow"
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