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Re: Ignorance in Management Sabotages Free Open Source Software

On Mar 10, 2:50 pm, Roy Schestowitz <newsgro...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Management 'scared' by open source
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | And the suits are resorting to play-it-safe legal advice and
> | draconian management techniques in a vain attempt to stop open
> | source crossing their frontier. Tactics include blocking popular
> | sites like SourceForge and banning use of USB drives.
> `----
One of the interesting things in the world, is the different outlooks
that different companies have on opportunities and risks.

At a guess, the more central IT is to a company's operation, the more
likely is the company going to adopt open source.  This in essence
reduces commercial dependency on proptietory software suppliers.

Conversely a company who uses IT as a productivity tool would have
more of a tendency to to stick with something that is tried, proven
and safe.

Therein lies the rub.  It may have been tried, proven and safe to make
buggy whips 100+ years ago, with high powered salespeople convincing
directors and CEO's of customers that gas buggies have a higher TCO
than horse buggies and that their horse buggy IP 'overlaps' the gas
buggy IP, so there are large commercial risks in changing to gas
buggies which any responsible risk management committee would take
into account, play safe and stick to horse buggies.

Customers who accept this line of horseshit later find that they and
the Amish community are the only ones still using horse buggies and
their business is now irrevelent.

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