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[News] Windows Spewage (SPAM) Knocks Down School's E-mail

School email's out across UK

,----[ Quote ]
| The system was being upgraded because spam had been overloading and
| slowing its system. Between May 2006 and February 2007 the number
| of messages being passed through its school email service had
| increased almost fourfold, from 550 messages per minute to 2,000
| messages per minute. About 85 per cent of these were spam, it said
| in a refreshingly informative explanation of the outage.


Gates said SPAM would vanish by 2006. Instead we have over 100 million
Windows PCs that are controlled by criminals.


SEC goes after stock spammers, hackers

,----[ Quote ]
| "When spam clogs our mailboxes, it's annoying. When it rips
| off investors, it's illegal and destructive," SEC Chairman
| Christopher Cox said in a statement.



Spam Made Up 94% Of All E-Mail In December 

,----[ Quote ]
| "The major event in communications security is the emergence of
| botnets. This has changed the game, the dynamics, and economics
| of the Internet security marketplace. When the bad guys can now
| harness more than a million computers around the world and use
| them to push an increasing amount of attacks, that's a major
| change."


Botnet 'pandemic' threatens to strangle the net

,----[ Quote ]
| Cerf estimated that between 100 million and 150 million of the
| 600 million PCs on the internet are under the control of hackers,
| the BBC reports. 


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