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Re: Microsoft's re-invention of the jpeg

__/ [ Robert M. Stockmann ] on Friday 09 March 2007 22:55 \__

> The following story popped up at the inquirer :
> "Readers rant over Microsoft's re-invention of the jpeg"
> Letters On your sun-run INQ
> http://uk.theinquirer.net/?article=38120

,----[ Quote ]
| Subject:  Microsoft wants you to use its photo file format
| I wouldn't trust Microsoft with the plain-text file format, let alone
| an image file format. I can't think of any other operating system that
| uses 2 characters (\r\n: carriage return and newline) just to produce 
| a line break.
| ttly 

I bet Microsoft Develo^Hers will 'extend' it and infect the Web with it.
Think of all the legacy appliances that support JPEG, but will no longer be
capable of rendering our photos. Breaking old stuff is, after all, how
proprietary software vendors force people to upgrade and increase revenue.

Publish And Perish

,----[ Quote ]
| Alexander Rose, the executive director of the futurist Long Now
| Foundation, worries about the impermanence of digital information.
| "If you save that computer for 100 years, will the electrical plugs
| look the same?" he asks. "The Mac or the PC--will they be around?
| If they are, what about the software? " So far there's no business
| case for digital preservation--in fact, for software makers like
| Microsoft, planned obsolescence is the plan.
| "The reality is that it's in companies' interest that software should
| become obsolete and that you should have to buy every upgrade,"
| Rose says. We could be on the cusp of a turning point, though, in the
| way businesses and their customers think about digital preservation.
| "Things will start to change when people start losing all of their personal 
| photos," Rose said.


                ~~ Best wishes 

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Mandriva & Fedora - Gotta love them girls
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