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[News] Microsoft Leaves Open Source Projects Hanging

Open-source ID project awaits Microsoft's blessing

,----[ Quote ]
| An open-source rival to a Microsoft identity tool has been in limbo
| for months, awaiting the software giant's go-ahead on certain
| patent-related issues.


Could these delays be deliberate? Only recently:

Eclipse executive chides Microsoft on interoperability

,----[ Quote ]
| Commenting on Microsoft, Milinkovich said Microsoft sends 
| representatives to EclipseCon every year. Eclipse and Microsoft
| officials in attendance then agree that a meeting ought to be set
| up between the two sides. But afterward, "they never call,"
| Milinkovich said.


Feds: Microsoft not meeting deadlines in antitrust settlement

,----[ Quote ]
| Federal antitrust officials have expressed growing concern that
| Microsoft is falling behind on deadlines to revise technical
| documentation to licensees, according to a joint status report
| released Wednesday.



Europe Threatens New Microsoft Fines

,----[ Quote ]
| The European Union escalated its trans-Atlantic fight with Microsoft
| Corp. on Thursday, threatening new multimillion fines against the
| software maker over claims it is asking rivals to pay too much
| for information that would help their servers work with Windows.


,----[ Quote ]
| 'A number of Microsoft ex-employees and certified developers have 
| referred to much of Microsoft's formal documentation as "undocumentation"'


,----[ Quote ]
| Vista is to ship with a new version of SMB, called SMB2. At
| minute 40 in this FLOSS Weekly podcast, Jeremy Allison of
| Samba talks of behavior that will flood the network with
| 1500 packets just to do a network file delete. This will
| turn Vista computers into a DOS (Denial of Service) attack
| upon Samba based computers on the network.


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