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Re: C.O.L.A. OFFICIAL Newcomer FAQ and Primer

On 9 mrt, 07:33, Roy Schestowitz <newsgro...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Filter all posts from < Roy.Schitzow...@xxxxxxxxx >. It's an abusive identity
> thief seeking to create backlack against me.

Why bother? We all know there is only one regular nymshifting
fruitcake, spamming Usenet, by crossposting the crap he pulls out of
his flatass :p

Killfileing all his/her/it 's nyms would probably require a terrabyte
or so :)

I share your concern this might be confusing for n00bs in the group;
but again, don' t bother, they will find out soon enough ;)

You advised me a couple of months ago to simply ignore the trolls. I
followed your advice and I must confess, this is the only thing that
really works.

Please don' t let this get under your skin.

You know your work is very much appreciated and we all know that Roy
Shitzaw, or whatever Garry calls itself yet again is yet another fake.

Let it go, ignorance sometimes really is the best approach ;)

Have Fun!

With kind regards,

Marti van Lin (alias the ML2MST)

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