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Re: C.O.L.A. OFFICIAL Newcomer FAQ and Primer

Verily I say unto thee, that The Ghost In The Machine spake thusly:
> In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Roy Schestowitz
> <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 06:33:37
> +0000 <1920518.xjuCxE24dp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

>> Filter all posts from < Roy.Schitzowitz@xxxxxxxxx >. It's an
>> abusive identity thief seeking to create backlack against me.

> Interesting word; is that a combination of backlash and ack-ack?
> :-)
> Backlash: the space between the thickness of a gear tooth and the
> width of the space between teeth in the mating gear, designed to
> allow for a film of lubricant, binding from heat expansion and
> eccentricity, or manufacturing inaccuracies.  (Industrial Revolution
> origins)

FFnnnaaar. Hheheh. Hehhe. Heheheh.

You said "Teeth, mating, lubricant, binding, heat, expansion".

Hheheh. Hehhe. FFnnnaaar. Heheheh.

> It's also used to refer to a recoil or revolt against a rather
> unpopular social or political change.
> ack-ack: antiaircraft fire or arms.  (World War II origins)
> One could also make the case for "flak", which is another term for
> anti-aircraft fire, especially from the viewpoint of those it's
> aiming for.  But "backflack" probably just wouldn't work...
> (from http://dictionary.reference.com)

First thing that came to mind (other than the obvious that Roy
probably types at 10,000 words per second) WRT the forger, was
"lack" of "back", i.e. spineless.

Synonyms include bastard, big baby, blackguard, black sheep, bum,
butt, cad, caitiff, cheater, chicken, chicken heart, chicken liver,
con man, coward, craven, cream puff, crybaby, cur, dastard, dog,
doormat, dotard, drip, faint-hearted, faint-of-heart, feeble, flea
hotel, fraidy cat, funk, good-for-nothing, gutless, gutless wonder,
heel, hound, invertebrate, irresolute, jellyfish, knave, ladyfinger,
lily-livered, louse, malingerer, mama's boy, milksop, milquetoast,
misfit, mongrel, mouse, mutt, namby-pamby, nebbish, ne'er-do-well,
pantywaist, paper tiger, poltroon, pooch, punk, pushover,
pusillanimous, rabbit, rascal, rat, recreant, reptile, riffraff,
rotter, sad sack, scaredy-cat, scoundrel, scum, shirk, shrinking
violet, sissy, skulker, skunk, slink, snake, sneak, snot, softie,
stinker, stray, submissive, sucker, tenderfoot, toad, turkey, unmanly,
villain, weak, weakling, weak sister, weak tool, weasel, white liver,
wimp, worm, wretch, wuss, yellow, yellow-belly, yellow dog; and my
personal favourite, although not in the English dictionary
... Bawjaws.

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