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Re: [News] Welsh Government Wakes Up to Open Source Benefits

Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> Welsh Government Agency demonstrates Open Source best practice
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| By funding development to an Open Source operating system, a Welsh
>| government agency has shown best practice in its engagement with
>| the Open Source industry. The Countryside Council for Wales
>| announced today that it hired European Open Source service
>| provider, Sirius Corporation, to extend OpenBSD's ability to
>| work with the ever-popular Cisco IOS.
> `----

Well done Mark Taylor!

> http://www.sourcewire.com/releases/rel_display.php?relid=30120&hilite=
> There are many more articles about the Tories and Open Source. The gist of
> it, based on 3 summaries I have glanced at: various projects (like that at
> the NHS) waste billions yet fail miserably, the British government is
> falling behind, it chooses large vendors blindly, it discriminates against
> local SMEs, it stifles innovation, and it supports anticompetitive
> companies. There's a lot of effective anti-Labour, anti-Microsoft (and ilk)
> stuff in their, but "Microsoft" is of course not mentioned explicitly. This
> comes just shortly after BECTA made a secret deal with Microsoft.

| Mark Kent   --   mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk          |
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