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[News] Welsh Government Wakes Up to Open Source Benefits

Welsh Government Agency demonstrates Open Source best practice

,----[ Quote ]
| By funding development to an Open Source operating system, a Welsh
| government agency has shown best practice in its engagement with
| the Open Source industry. The Countryside Council for Wales
| announced today that it hired European Open Source service
| provider, Sirius Corporation, to extend OpenBSD's ability to
| work with the ever-popular Cisco IOS.


There are many more articles about the Tories and Open Source. The gist of
it, based on 3 summaries I have glanced at: various projects (like that at
the NHS) waste billions yet fail miserably, the British government is
falling behind, it chooses large vendors blindly, it discriminates against
local SMEs, it stifles innovation, and it supports anticompetitive
companies. There's a lot of effective anti-Labour, anti-Microsoft (and ilk)
stuff in their, but "Microsoft" is of course not mentioned explicitly. This
comes just shortly after BECTA made a secret deal with Microsoft.

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