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[News] Another Linux Test Build That's Actually Ready for Daily Use

PCLinuxOS 2007 (beta 2) - Review

,----[ Quote ]
| Although this is still considered a "beta", there are people out there
| using it today just as efficiently and effectively as a branded
| "official" distribution.



Ubuntu 7.04 Alpha 3 - Installation

,----[ Quote ]
| Final Thoughts
|     * This whole experience has been too cool. My complements to the
|       Ubuntu team for putting 7.04 together. If this is an Alpha release
|       then I can't wait for the betas or the final release.


E17 -- Desktop Enlightenment

,----[ Quote ]
| You need to install E17 in order to fully appreciate the magnificent
| work of the programmers. The direction of changes is very good -- e17
| delivers a nice-looking desktop with many special effects, being easy
| and lightweight at the same time. When compared to its predecessor
| -- e16 -- it shows that the desktop personalization and new effects
| do not have to trigger additional hardware purchases. I only wish Ic
| ould say the same about GNOME and KDE. Also, I have to say that I
| wish the Microsoft products were as stable and functional as e17
| in alpha phase.


Unlike this:

Microsoft admits Vista screwed - report 

,----[ Quote ]
| Vista SP1 is code named "Fiji", presumably after a pretty looking
| island which is paralysed by coups.
| In a statement regarding the service pack Microsoft admits that
| Vista has "high impact" problems.


Vista backlash grows; key advocate moves back to XP

,----[ Quote ]
| Chris Pirillo just broke up with Windows Vista, saying, "The shipping
| version of this OS is late beta, at best."
| Jason Busch did the same: "It's an absolute travesty that
| Microsoft would have released such a half-baked product."


Life with Vista - Is this dogfood really for the dogs?

,----[ Quote ]
| # Vista is not ready for primetime. By that I mean that Vista still
| feels like a beta. That's right. It has so many compatibility
| problems with existing applications that running anything other
| than stuff from Microsoft that specifically says "for Vista Build
| XXXX" makes me feel like I'm taking my life into my own hands.
|    1. Games - don't even get me started...
|    2. Visual Studio 2005 - I can't find the words to express the irony...
|    3. Virtual PC - worthless. Don't even attempt on Vista.


Analysts: Microsoft Changes Meaning Of 'Release Candidate'

,----[ Quote ]
| Two industry watchers say Microsoft is corrupting the term, leading to
| major confusion among customers and others about whether the operating
| system is truly ready to evaluate.
| Two analysts Thursday accused Microsoft Corp. of changing the meaning
| of "release candidate" by pushing out a version of Windows Vista that
| still needs major work.
| [...]
| Joe Wilcox, an analyst with JupiterResearch, said that Microsoft's
| corrupted the term.


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