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[News] Open Source Companies Work /Together/ (Sharing Code, Protocols)

Alliances of convenience -- Surviving in a competitive Open Source market

,----[ Quote ]
| Those APIs or interfaces might be for single sign-on or a common
| data repository. It's a way of really reducing the work that each
| vendor has to do, because all these apps ultimately should be able
| to work in a cohesive environment together, and also opening these
| APIs up to the open source community or for anyone to use for
| any applications whether proprietary or open source.


Unlike this one from yesterday:

Office Communications Server 2007 to hit public beta later this month

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft has no current plans push this specification through a
| standards body, as its technologies are "all based on SIP (Session
| Initiation Protocol) already," according to Kapner.
| Given the ongoing problems Microsoft is having with the European
| Commission around the availability (or lack thereof) of its
| Windows communications protocols, I wonder if its move to release
| the OCS 2007 specs is driven as much by a desire to be a bigger
| player in the software-PBX market as it is by hopes of heading
| off more potential lawsuits.


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