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[News] Microsoft Grabs Corss-platform Application, Makes it Windows-only?

Photosynth for Linux?

,----[ Quote ]
| This is the demonstration video of Photo Tourism which was later
| transformed into Microsoft Photosynth (Wikipedia). Now, you'll find
| it difficult to disagree with me when I say this is a great product.
| It just has that "cool factor".
| However, the Photosynth website says at the system requirements: Only
| Windows XP SP2 and Windows Vista RC1 or later are supported at this
| time. However, the video I showed above clearly shows it running on
| Linux (take a look at the titlebar of the web browser or the "add
| annotation dialog"). This could mean two things:
|    1. Microsoft deliberately decided not to support Linux
|    2. Microsoft may still want to make this available for Linux


SysInternals and A9 have suffered similar treatment when Microsoft got
involved. Cross-platform/Open Source traits are eliminated through
partnerships or acquisitions.

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