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Re: [News] Calculating the 'Vista Tax', Dell PCs Might As Well Go Red Hat Linux

__/ [ Doug Mentohl ] on Sunday 04 March 2007 15:39 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> If you set the hardware all the same, you will come up with a
>  > Redhat version for $1952, and XP or Vista will set you back $2011.
>> This sets the Vole tax at $59 over Red Hat ..
>> As many of us said many months ago, Vista is the best thing that has ever
>> happened to Linux.
> What is included with a plain 'Vista' install as compared to Red Hat
> Enterprise Linux.

They are many features in Vista which Red Hat arrogantly refuses to include.
Mono (.Net, with accompanying patents) is one. Among the other goodies: DRM,
WGA, activation, onslaught on patches (uncalled-for reboots included) , and

On the other hand, Vista boasts every feature that's found in Red Hat. Vista
can, after all, virtualise Linux. Just don't rely on the VM available all
the time. And sometimes it becomes a multiplayer game where the person
controlling the VM is a visitor (or maybe an intruder).

Q: You say that "you can bet your business on Free Software"; how do you back
up that statement?

A: How can you bet your business on proprietary software? If a company is
bought, goes bankrupt or merges or decides to delete a product line you have
no choice but to go with whatever product or path they desire. How can you
plan when the company keeps changing its licensing terms, and you have no
real alternatives? What do you do when the company that makes your software
puts its own profits and its values ahead of yours, the customer? When the
software company holds back on releasing the latest bug fix so it fits its
"release schedule?" When you can't get that one little feature added that
would allow you to streamline your business, save a lot of money and beat
your competition to market?

What happens if that company (no matter where it is) is embargoed?

                                      -- Jon "Maddog" Hall

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